Here's my rating scale for videos:
10: Phenomenal. A fantastic piece of internet entertainment. For me to give out this score I must be entertained the entire video. A Very rarely given out score.
9: Outstanding. A Great video from beginning to end. I will have to enjoy this video for most or the entire being of it. I give out this score more often.
8: Great. Good enough to not get pwn3d by humanity. Given out the most.
7: Not bad. I actually enjoyed this in fact. Given out a lot.
6: Decent. Self explanatory.
5: Passed. Not good but not bad either. A worth watching video.
4: Not good. A video with little about it that actually would impress someone.
3: Bad. A video that should be shot in the head then curb stomped by some fat guy.
2: Terrible. If there were anything good about the video that gets this score, I would have to watch it sixteen times to see it. And what I'm looking for isn't even good! A time to time score.
1: Soul crushing. A Horrid video that new grounds should destroy IMMEDIATELY!!!!